Friday, February 25, 2011

Dear aleesya

Dear Aleesya

ade sumthing mama nak share dengan aleesya hari ni. pagi tadi mama untuk pertama kali nye dalam arena pemanduan..telah mengakibatkan tayar kete bocor. hahahha. mama nak membelok then termissjudge jarak la. apelagi..terlanggar divider la. nasib tayar tu membocor slow slow. kalo la time time laggar tu terus meletup..sure mama panik gila. hahahha.

then bila sampai kat parking INTEL, mama tried to called abah. tapi abah tido mati. abah baru je balik pagi tadi sure ngantuk gila dan tak dengar mama called. so mama pun tepon la atok. nak tanye macamne. boleh tunggu sampai petang or nak kena tukar tayar time tu jugak. atok kate boleh je tunggu nanti.


ni yang sebenarnye mama nak story kat aleesya. lepas dah setle cakap pasal tayar.kami borak pasal aleesya. atok dah tengok video aleesya berjalan dalam facebook. mesti maklong yang tunjuk kat atok. atok sounded happy gila. then, ape yang paling mengharukan mama.. and you should haru too..atok said sorry sebab tak dapat datang kulim on your birthday. mama and abah pun takde plan lagi nak wat or tak birthaday party untuk aleesya. atok pun tau mama maybe tak wat party untuk aleesya. kalo kate mama wat birthaday party untuk aleesya dan atok tak datang..baru logic la nak say sorry. ni..atok say sorry sebab he cannot be with you on your birthday.terharu tak? terharu kan?

so aleesya my dear. please..please be kind to your atok. respect, love and show your love to him. because he loves you so much.

ok dear,

mama should working bukan mengulor gaye gini. mama banyak keje nih. about your 1st birthday party..mama and abah tak decide yet. kalo we are not having the party pun, abah and mama surely would celebrate your 1st birthday punye. kita makan makan kek lepak park ke.. makan makan kek aiskrim kat baskin robin ker.. mahu? hahahha

ok aleesya dear,
i love you


Ajan said...

ok i cried.

First cucu is always the lucky one, she gets all the loveee.

Too bad Kimi doesnt get the chance to know what a wonderful person his atokkk is too.

murn!e said...

yerp. aleesya is one lucky girl.itu kena admit. :)
