tembam tak muka saye? kembang tak muka saye? mata saye pulak bagaimana?
ni pic muka saya ketika saye pregnant 35 minggu. kembang kan?
oh..last wednesday i went to chang & Koh maternity.
as usual..to do a scan on my baby.
she is doing very fine.
after the doctor do some measurements.. he said "ur baby now is about 2.3 kg. ur air ketuban also looks fine" :)
her head already at down side. i dont know either she still moving upside down or she already on her position. i forgot the info i had read bout the baby position while im doing this post. ghehehharahar!! =p
im soooo excited!
kembang. Kikikiki.
Takpe nanti dia reduced balik.
sungguh kembang..ala biasela tu..nanti sure kurus balik..baru anak satu..^__^..kire ko bersalin next month la kan?ntah2 mase tu aku still ade kat malaysia...
ajan- ko gelak ye.hehehe. tu la..nasib leh reduced balik nnt. kalo idak..mmg nighmare la.
rina-kembang kan? mmg terlunas la impian kawan2 kita dulu nak tgk aku gemuk.hahahha..aah.next month. nnt ko dah sampai mesia..ko bagi no tepon mesia ko kat aku.nnt aku leh sms ke..calling2 ke bgtau ko. wokeh?
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